Monday 10 July 2017

synonyms--antisynonyms FOR BANK SSC AND OTHER EXAM

Word -  synonyms      (antisynonyms)
1.Absolve– pardon, forgive (compel, accuse)’
2.Acrimony– harshness, bitterness (courtesy, benevolence
3.Accord– agreement, harmony (disagreement, discord)
4.Adamant– stubborn, inflexible (flexible, soft)
5.Adjunct– joined, added (separated, subtracted
6.Abjure– forsake, renounce (approve, sanction
7.Abject– despicable, servile (commendable, praiseworthy)
8.Authentic– genuine, reliable (fictitious, unreal)
9.Audacity– boldness, arrogance (mildness, cowardice)
10.Abate– moderate, decrease (aggravate, supplement)
11.Arraign– charge, blame (exculpate, pardon)
12.Apathy– unconcern, indifference (concern, care)
13.Alien– foreigner, outsider (native, resident)
14.Affront– provoke, irreverence (conciliate, mollify)
15.Adversity– misfortune, calamity (prosperity, fortune)
16.Antipathy– hostility, aversion (admiration, fascination)
17.Amplify– enlarge, extend (lessen, contract)
18.Alleviate– abate, relieve (aggravate, enhance
19.Admonish– counsel, reprove (approve, applaud)
20.Adherent– follower, disciple (rival, adversary)
21.Awkward– clumsy, rough (clever, apt)
22.Allure– entice, fascinate (repulse, repel)
23.Abortive– vain, unproductive (effectual productive)
24.Allay– pacify, soothe (aggravate, excite)
25.Axiom– maxim, truth (absurdity, blunder)
26.Bustle– haste, flurry (slowness, quiet)
27.Brittle– delicate, fragile (tough, enduring)
28.Bleak– dismal, gloomy (bright pleasant)
29.Benevolence– humanity, generosity (malevolence, inhumanity)
30.Barbarous– uncivilized, savage (cultured, humane)
31.Baffle– frustrate, perplex (compose, facilitate)
32.Bewitching– magical, fascinating (repulsive, repugnant)
33.Contrary– dissimilar, conflicting (similar, alike)
34.Contradict– deny, oppose (approve, confirm)
35.Contempt– scorn, disregard (regard, praise)
36.Conspicuous– prominent, obvious (concealed, hidden)
37.Consolidate– solidify, strengthen (separate, weaken)
38.Consequence– effect, outcome (origin, start
39.Consent– agree, permit (object, disagree)
40.Concede– yield, permit (deny, reject)
41.Comprise– include, contain (reject, lack)
42.Compassion– kindness, sympathy (cruelty, barbarity)
43.Concur– approve, agree (differ, disagree)
44.Chastise– punish, admonish (cheer, encourage
45.Chaste– virtuous, pure (sullied, lustful
46.Capable– competent, able (incompetent, inept)
47.Captivity– imprisonment, confinement (freedom, liberty)
48.Captivate– charm, fascinate (disillusion, offend)
49.Calumny– defamation, aspersion (commendation, praise)
50.Callous– obdurate, unfeeling (compassionate, tender
51.Calamity– adversity, misfortune (happiness, fortune)
52.Cavity– depth, depression (elevation, projection)
53.Cease– terminate, desist (begin, originate)
54.Despicable– worthless, shameless (worthy, decent
55.Disdain– detest, despise (approve, praise)
56.Deride– mock, taunt (inspire, encourage)
57.Deprive– despoil, divest (restore, renew)
58.Demolish– ruin, devastate (repair, construct)
59.Delicious– palatable, tasteful (distasteful, unsavoury
60.Deliberate– cautious, intentional (rash, sudden)
61.Defray– spend, pay (disclaim, repudiate)
62.Defile– contaminate, pollute (purify, sanctity)
63.Defer– prolong, suspend (accelerate, expedite)
64.Dedicate– devote, consecrate (refuse, negate)
65.Decipher– interpret, reveal (misinterpret, distort)
66.Deceit– deception, artifice (veracity, sincerity)
67.Decay– collapse, decompose (flourish, progress)
68.Dainty– elegant, delicate (clumsy, coarse)
69.Evident– obvious, apparent (obscure, concealed)
70.Evade– avoid, elude (acknowledge, confront)
71.Eternal– perpetual, endless (temporary, momentary)
72.Esteem– respect, regard (ridicule, spurn)
73.Eradicate– destroy, exterminate (secure, plant)
74.Equivocal– uncertain, hazy (obvious, lucid)
75.Epitome– precise, example (increment, expansion)
76.Enormous– colossal, mammoth (diminutive, negligible)
77.Endeavour– undertake, aspire (cease, quit)
78.Encumbrance– hindrance, obstacle (incentive, stimulant)
79.Eloquence– expression, fluency (halting, stammering
80.Eliminate– expel, oust (restore, accept)
81.Elevate– dignify, heighten (deprecate, denounce)
82.Efface– destroy, obliterate (retain, maintain
83.Ecstasy– delight, exultation (despair, calamity, depression)
84.Eccentric– strange, abnormal (natural, conventional)
85.Fabricate– construct, produce (destroy, dismantle)
86.Frugality– economy, providence (lavishness, extravagance)
87.Frivolous– petty, worthless (solemn, significant
88.Frantic– violent, agitated (subdued, gentle)
89.Fragile– weak, infirm (enduring, tough)
90.Forsake– desert, renounce (hold maintain)
91.Fluctuate– deflect, vacillate (stabilise, resolve)
92.Flimsy– trifling, transparent (firm, tenacious)
93.Fleeting– transient, temporary (enduring, eternal)
94.Feud– strife, quarrel (fraternity, harmony)
95.Ferocious– cruel, fierce (gentle, sympathetic)
96.Feeble– weak, frail (strong, robust)
97.Fantastic– fanciful, uncommon (ordinary, normal)
98.Fanatical– narrow-minded, biased (liberal, tolerant)
99.Falter– stumble, demur (persist, endure)
100.Fallacy– delusion, mistake (veracity, truth
101.Guile– cunning, deceit (honesty, frankness)
102.Grudge– hatred, aversion (benevolence, affection)
103.Grisly– disgusting, atrocious (pleasing, attractive)
104.Gracious– courteous, beneficent (rude, unforgiving
105.Gorgeous– magnificent, dazzling (dull, unpretentious)
106.Glut– stuff, satiate (starve, abstain)
107.Gloom– obscurity, darkness (delight, mirth
108.Hypocrisy– deception, affectation (sincerity, honesty)
109.Hideous– frightful, shocking (attractive, alluring)
110.Heretic– non-conformist, secularist (conformable, religious
111.Hazard– Peril, danger (conviction, security)
112.Haughty– arrogant, pompous (humble, submissive)
113.Harass– irritate, molest (assist, comfort)
114.Hapless– unfortunate, ill-fated (fortunate, lucky
115.Haphazard– random, unsorted (considered,arranged)
116.Hamper– retard, prevent (promote, facilitate)
117.Irrepressible– irresistible, unconfined (composed, hesitant
118.Invincible– unconquerable, impregnable (effeminate, languid)
119.Intricate– tangled, complicated (regulated, orderly)
120.Intrigue– scheme, conspiracy (candour, sincerity)
121.Intrinsic– genuine, fundamental (extraneous, incidental
122.Invective– accusation, censure (approval, acclamation)
123.Instil– inculcate, inject (eradicate, extract)
124.Insolvent– indigent, destitute (wealthy, solvent)
125.Insipid– tasteless, vapid (delicious, luscious)
126.Insinuate– allude, hint (conceal, camouflage)
127.Ingenuous– undisguised, naive (wily, crafty)
128.Infringe– violate, encroach (comply, concur)
129.Inevitable– unavoidable, ascertained (unlikely, doubtful)
130.Incongruous– inappropriate, absurd (compatible, harmonious
131.Incompetent– inefficient, unskilled (dexterous, skilled)
132.Inclination– disposition, affection (disinclination, indifference
133.Impute– attribute, ascribe (exculpate, support)
134.Impious– irreligious, unholy (pious, devout)
135.Impediment– hurdle, obstruction (assistance, concurrence
136.Impartial– just, unbiased (prejudiced, biased)
137.Impair– diminish, deteriorate (restore, revive)
138.Immunity– prerogative, privilege (blame, censure
139.Imminent– impending, brewing (distant, receding)
140.Immerse– submerge, involve (emerge, uncover
141.Immense– huge, enormous (puny, insignificant)
142.Immaculate– unsullied, spotless (defiled, tarnished)
143.Juvenile– young, tender (dotage, antiquated)
144.Justify– defend, exculpate (impute, arraign)
145.Just– honest, impartial (unequal, unfair)
146.Judicious– thoughtful, prudent (irrational, foolish
147.Jubilant– rejoicing, triumphant (melancholy, depressing)
148.Jovial– frolicsome, cheerful (solemn, morose)
149.Jaded– tired, exhausted (renewed, recreated)

150.Jejune– dull, boring (interesting, exciting)

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