Friday 30 June 2017

Solar System

Solar System- 

sun , planets, satellites, asteroids, meteors

• Planets move around the sun in its orbit
• Heliocentric –Aristarchus, Aryabhatta, Copernicus
• Geocentric theory- Ptolemy 

• Mercury- closest, smallest, 88Days revolution, 58 Days rotation, helium atm 
• Venus/ Earth’s twin/veiled planet/ morning star, evening star/ Brightest/ hottest/Goddess of beauty. Rotates clockwise 
• Earth/densest/blue planet-satellite moon 
• Mars/Red planet-satellite phobos,demos 
• Jupiter- biggest planet, satellite Ganymede 
• Saturn-ringed planets, 7rings, satellite titan 
• Uranus/green planet/lying planet/ 5 rings,satellite phoebe 
• Neptune/slowest revolution/coldest-satt triton, merida 
• Pluto- International Astronomical union removed in 2006,dwarf planet 
• Dwarf Planet-gravitation, but no clear neighbourhood 
• The first five recognized dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea 
• Pluto- International Astronomical union removed in 2006,dwarf planet 
• Dwarf Planet-gravitation, but no clear neighbourhood
• The first five recognized dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea • Earth and moon positions

• Milky way galaxy 

Apehelion-when earth farthest from sun 
Perihelion-when earth nearest to sun 
Apogee-moon nearest to earth 
Perigee-moon farthest from earth

Moon is between sun and earth-max time of total solar eclipse 7mins(approx.)

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